Welkom! Cultuureducatie mag nu niet stilstaan. Graag gaan wij in gesprek over een aanbod van creatieve en impactvolle workshops die wél mogelijk zijn. Flexibel en veerkrachtig zijn is de kunst, neem contact op info@holy.nl wij zien er naar uit!


Prosperity and having enough food cannot be taken for granted, as it determines your chances in life. Clips for GROW encourages you to think critically about the fair global distribution of food and to share your ideas on this topic.

  • Facebook campaign

    Oxfam Novib’s Facebook campaign “Like to Dislike” encourages everyone to raise awareness 

  • Fair

    A workshop about the global distribution of food—boring? On the contrary! 

  • Ask Farah Karimi a Question!

    What do you want to know about global food distribution? 

  • Where are you on the global food map?

    Where are you on the global food map?

Clips for GROW reizen verder!

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